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You Are Not Alone In This: Supporting a Loved One’s Mental Health Without Losing Your Own


Limited free ticket for members / £15 General Admission / £25 Ticket and Book / £7 Zoom ticket


6:30 PM - Doors open for refreshments

7:00 PM - Discussion

7:30 PM - Questions from guests

8:00 PM - Book signing and mingling

8:30 PM - Doors close

About This Event

Have you ever cared for loved ones at the expense of your own mental health? Have you wondered how best to help your partner without enabling them or becoming co-dependent? Expert psychotherapist Sophie Scott, the author of YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS, will discuss real stories from her clinical practice, and from her personal experience with loved ones, giving advice on the right balance between supporting our loved ones and taking care of ourselves.

Sophie will lead a discussion on how we can best help people who are suffering with their mental health whilst protecting our own — how to understand our loved one better, how to start difficult and often necessary conversations, and how to set boundaries and value our own mental health as well as those we love.

Sophie Scott

Psychotherapist, Author, and Founder


Sophie Scott is a practicing transpersonal psychotherapist and the Founder of Balance, where she was also the Editor-in-Chief for seven years, bringing mindfulness and mental health topics to the mainstream. She has written for Forbes, Wired, Sheer Luxe and Thrive Global , as well as speaking at a variety of events and festivals, including Live Well Festival.

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10 April

Exhale Thursday